A Companion for life’s Challenges

A companion for life

Hi from here at Hope found in M.E. 

I’m so very delighted to write my first book review on my blog. The image above is the cover of the beautiful book, Hope and Help While You’re Healing – A woman’s guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery or illness written by Christine Carter of TheMomCafe.com

Published a year ago through Ground Truth Press, this title arrived in my lap in late Spring 2017. Generously sent to me by Christine from across the Atlantic.

I first came to know Christine when I tentatively made steps into joining a blogging group last year. I was nervous, but needn’t have been. As I was greeted by the kindness of a stranger, who showed interest & enthusiasm.

This tangible kindness is something you will be very aware of as you begin to dip into her book, Help and Hope While You’re HealingEsthetically the book has such a welcoming cover, and soft texture to touch. The text being a really comfortable size to read. Helping you feel relaxed from the start. 

When your health is challenged, the last thing to come into your mind is to be organised. Christine’s book guides you through this & while you read it, it’s as if she is sitting with you gently helping you get a handle on how on earth you’re going to get through.

Her book offers space for specific needs to be written down, in an order that you or carers can find, from parenting responsibilities to expressing how you’re feeling. It offers the opportunity to gradually see light at the end of a messy tunnel. And encourages the reader to reach out & ask for help. I know from my own experience how very hard that can be.

Hope and Help While You’re Healing certainly isn’t a one off read. I’d say it is a companion read. A book you can go to on a daily basis, but also for every time it all gets too much  Open the pages, and you will be comforted. This comes from Christine’s empathy…she’s been there.


Faith is also an integral part of this book. Gently woven into the chapters, you won’t feel pressured…simply reassured and rested, in the knowledge that you are not alone in this. Hope being a consistently strong theme.

Not only will you be comforted, but you’ll be encouraged & listened to. Is that possible from a book? Well from this one it is. It’s a book I wish had been around when I first developed ME/cfs many years ago. But I’m delighted to have a copy now. 

Due to ME/cfs I cannot read many books, so I have to be very selective. I’m so glad this book selected me. 

So from here at Hope found in M.E. HQ, may I very humbly suggest you make friends (or offer support and friendship to another) with Hope and Help While You’re Healing .  You won’t be disappointed and will have a companion for life’s challenges!


Thanks so much for popping by & reading my first book review.

Until next time. God bless

Penny @hopefoundinme

Calm me, Lord ~ Margaret Rizza

8 thoughts on “A Companion for life’s Challenges

  1. OH friend, this brought me to tears. You are such a blessing, such a generous soul. I am SO grateful to know that my book offered you all the things I’d hoped it would. This means everything to me. EVERYTHING. You are such an incredibly strong warrior- my dedication in the beginning of the book surely belongs to you.

    I will re-read this often, for the encouragement and inspiration you have poured out in this review. God bless YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww…bless you Chris. ❤ Thank you so much. I’m so blessed by your book, thank you again for it. I’m so glad to finally write my review & it wasn’t difficult as it’s such a beautiful book. Thanks so much for your beautiful words, it means so much. God’s abundant blessing. Xxx


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