Announcing The Podcast

Hi from here to all my lovely readers. I hope you’re keeping well and coping during these very strange times. Not unusually, it has been a little while since I have been on the blog. But fear not, my blog has not been mothballed and I am still around, writing drafts as I can.

I often describe ME to Neurology as the analogy of an 8 piece sliding type puzzle, contained within a frame – you can move the bits of scant and extremely unreliable energy around, but you don’t acquire any more. So you have to make difficult choices. Sadly, writing has to go on ice when all of the 8 pieces are allocated/needed elsewhere. That could be a shower day or just life with MEcfs in general.

Oh stop it! Not shower references already!

During this period of hiatus, I have compiled some draft ideas. No not daft ones, well I guess that could be a subject for debate! Apart from drafts I have also embarked on something new. No, not installing a walk-in shower. Yes, I remain obsessed with that extremely taxing activity. WE KNOW!!

As ever, I am inspired and encouraged by the lovely blogging community. So with my thanks to the ever innovative Rachael of AccessibleRach I very happily announce that…

My new addition to the Hope found in M.E. family is…wait for it. A PODCAST!

Naming my Podcast

I have decided to call my podcast ‘Hope found in M.E’. I did consider a play on words, but I would just end up confusing myself.

I have two episodes up. Both of around 4 mins, which is pretty much my brains limit. If you fancy finding out my regional accent, along with what I actually said, I’d be delighted if you would pop by for a listen. You can probably safely boil the kettle in the time it takes to play an episode in full.

Listen on AnchorFm


Hope found in M.E – The Podcast

Hope found in M.E. at AnchorFm

The AnchorFm App offers various Podcast Platform listening options. So please take your pick. Who knew there were so many? We did. Come on Penny, keep up! But seriously, it’s a very user friendly App. So if you’re considering starting a podcast it’s a platform worth giving consideration.

Listen on Spotify

Or you can listen to my latest episode on Spotify here ⤵️

I am pretty excited about this new arm of Hope found in M.E. And would love to hear your thoughts. But please be kind, I’m still honing the skill of a podcast (unscripted). But I do use prompts, or it would become a bit chaotic. I may also progress to scripted. It really depends on how much cognitive energy podcasting ends up needing access to. The usual juggling act.

In Closing

Through this new venture, I have finally got my head around a few more WP Block Editor features. Which quite honestly is a relief. It’s been a bit of an obstacle I must admit.

Suffice to say, I will continue my blog with love, and in the random nature to which you have most likely become accustomed and in the way MEcfs has a tendency of guiding.

Love from here and thank you so much for your support, readership and hopefully listenership.

Stay Safe & Have a Blessed Day
Penny @hopefoundinme

*I’m not sure if like Frank Skinner (the Comedian), I’ll be invited to write a book after my 2nd podcast. But miracles do happen!

The End

My apologies if you’re having difficulty with listening via the links to listen on Apple Podcasts or Breaker (via the AnchorFm homepage). My Podcast is available on these platforms via their search option. I’m currently looking into the problem with the direct links.

Thank you for your patience and support, and I hope you enjoy the listen.

7 thoughts on “Announcing The Podcast

  1. Wooohoooo this is fantastic, Penny! A huge congrats on embarking on the adventure of podcasts – they might be a tad easier than the walk in shower, but probably not by much 😉 I didn’t know there were so many platforms either. Exciting times! xx

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